Below you will find information on the 2006-07 Whitaker Program Fellows and Scholars. To get a more detailed picture of their projects, click on the grantee's name to see an abstract of the individual project.
The eleven Whitaker International Fellows are traveling to five countries to undertake biomedical engineering projects during the 2006-07 academic year. Many of them will return to the U.S. after their projects to complete or begin Ph.D. programs in biomedical engineering.
Mr. Richard R. Bouchard, Duke University
Host Country, Institution: The Netherlands, Erasmus MC
Project Title: Supplementing IVUS Elastography with ARFI Elasticity Imaging for Improved Atherosclerotic Plaque Assessment
Mr. Brett C. Byram, Duke University
Host Country, Institution: Denmark, Technical University of Denmark
Project Title: Investigations into synthetic aperture, beam forming, and adaptive imaging for medical ultrasound
Mr. Sean J. Cheng, Johns Hopkins University
Host Country, Institution: United Kingdom, University of Cambridge
Project Title: Design of a Collapsible Descending-Aortic Micropump
Mr. Sean Coyer, Georgia Institute of Technology
Host Country, Institution: Switzerland, IBM Zurich Research Laboratory
Project Title: Subtractive Contact Printing of Fibronectin and EGF in Nanopatterned Cell Adhesion Arrays
Mr. Andrew N. Franklin, University of Pennsylvania
Host Country, Institution: United Kingdom, University College London
Project Title: Course work in Biochemical Engineering to facilitate future research in Tissue Engineering
Ms. Elaine M. Hillenmeyer, Case Western Reserve University
Host Country, Institution: United Kingdom, University of Liverpool
Project Title: Synthetic and Naturally Derived Scaffolds for Ligament Engineering
Mr. Matthew J. Major, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
Host Country, Institution: United Kingdom, University of Salford
Project Title: User-Responsive Prosthetic for Lower Extremities
Mr. David A. Nordsletten, University of Minnesota, Institute of Technology
Host Country, Institution: United Kingdom, University of Oxford
Project Title: Cardiac Fluid Mechanics and Fluid-Solid Coupling in the Left Ventricle
Mr. Samuel J. Pickerill, Northwestern University
Host Country, Institution: South Africa, University of Cape Town
Project Title: Diagnosis, treatment, and management of tuberculosis and HIV in South Africa
Mr. Lucas H. Timmins, Texas A&M University
Host Country, Institution: United Kingdom, Queen Mary University of London
Project Title: Arterial Elasticity: Histological and Histochemical Analysis
Ms. Virginia M. Woods, Cornell University
Host Country, Institution: United Kingdom, Imperial College
Project Title: An Implantable Biosensor for the Personalized Management of Epilepsy
The four Whitaker International Scholars are going to three different countries for one year during which they will pursue post-doctoral research in biomedical engineering.
Dr. Alaa A. Ahmed, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
Host Country, Institution: United Kingdom, University of Cambridge
Project Title: Modular Decomposition in Human Sensorimotor Learning and Control
Mr. J. Brandon Dixon, Texas A&M University
Host Country, Institution: Switzerland, Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne
Project Title: Quantification of lipid uptake in mesenteric lymphatics
Dr. Travis J. Klein, University of California, San Diego
Host Country, Institution: Australia, Queensland University of Technology
Project Title: Technological Advancement of Cartilage Tissue Engineering
Mr. Adrian C. Shieh, Rice University
Host Country, Institution: Switzerland, Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne
Project Title: Lymphatic Response to Tissue Swelling: An In Vitro Model