Whitaker International Fellow, 2006-07
Home Institution: Duke University
Host Country, Institution: The Netherlands, Erasumus MC
Project Title: Supplementing IVUS Elastography with ARFI Elasticity Imaging for Improved Atherosclerotic Plaque Assessment
Project Abstract:
IVUS elastography and ARFI elasticity imaging are two different ultrasound-based technologies which both attempt to characterize the mechanical properties of tissue in vivo. The Biomedical Engineering department at Erasmus MC is a world leader in IVUS research; my lab at Duke University has helped pioneer the development of ARFI imaging. Thus, while studying at Erasmus MC, I propose to combine these two different methods into a hybrid imaging technique for the purpose of improved atherosclerotic plaque detection and characterization. Both technologies offer unique advantages, and therefore a hybrid solution might promise a more robust diagnostic option.